Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate contains an amino acid called L-Arginine HCL, known to increase semen volume and sperm count

Dark chocolate contains an amino acid called L-Arginine HCL, known to increase semen volume and sperm count
Eggs help in promoting fertility
and raising the sperm count. Eating eggs protect sperm cells from the free
radicals that help to increase your sperm count
Spinach contains high amount of
folic acid that raises sperm count. They also make sperms healthier and
increase their motility
Bananas are full of vitamin A, B1
and C, which help your body produce healthier sperm, as well as increase your
sperm productivity
Walnuts are full of omega-3 fatty
acids that increase sperm count and boost blood flow to the penis. Walnuts also
contain arginine which helps in raising semen volume